Saturday, February 1, 2014

1 year Anniversary

I cannot believe that it has already been a year since out wedding. In some ways it feels like it was just yesterday, but in others it feels so far away. John and I have had such an amazing first year of marriage,  it will be such a fun adventure to see where the future takes us.

We decided to go back to The Governor to celebrate. The Governor exceeded out expectations for our wedding and they did the same thing for our anniversary (even though they have recently been bought out). When we arrived we were told that we were upgrade to the penthouse suit we had for our wedding. (A pretty great deal since it was 375+ per night).

As we walked the halls to our room I was flooded with memories of our wedding day. Getting ready with all my bridesmaids, dancing with champagne and cake in our room after the wedding, and taking 2 bubble baths the mornings of the wedding because I was too excited to sleep.

For dinner we went to Jakes's grill and a yummy meal. Then we went to starbucks for some wine, ( yes starbucks has wine and yes it was actually really good).  After we went back up to our room to enjoy the cake topper.  Don't worry, we didn't' freeze the one from our real wedding, we just ordered a fresh one. We shared a bottle of champagne and watched the slide show of our wedding. In stead of buying a card, I suggested that we exchange a letter, just like we did on our wedding day.