We left our bags and set out to explore the new city. For some reason we thought that Florence was much slower and smaller then Rome, but we were wrong. It is SO busy.
The large farmers market was about a 5 min walk from our hotel. We stopped for a meat plate and some wine to hold us over until dinner
Then we needed out to explore the city.
We stopped for espresso as a very cute resturant/ bakery
We walked nearly 12 miles that day. The best part was at the top of the Michael Angelo gardens.
It was such a beautiful view. We walked up even more stairs to the top of a church with a cemetery.
We ordered it medium and it was served pretty much raw. So I sent it back to be cooked a bit more ( john was pretty unhappy that I sent our food back, but there was so way I could have eaten it like that. We also enjoyed a salad with Brie